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Project of Legal Outsourcing Services  

▲  服务范围(以人力资源法律事务为主兼及公司日常运营法律事务):

Service Content(Major in legal affairs of human resources and company daily operation):


Counseling, reviewing, drafting, revising and training on the following issues for excitation mechanism of company human capital and company administration:

a.  人力资本股权激励方案/特殊待遇方案;

     The plan of establishing excitation mechanism on human capital, stock equity and special treatment

b.  公司治理结构优化;

     Structure Optimizing of Company Administration

c.   公司并购重组中的人力资本整合方案;

      Integration Plan of Human Capital in Company M&A

d.   商业秘密保护/竞业限制方案。

     Scenarios of Commercial Secrets Protection and non-Competition


Counseling, reviewing, drafting, revising and training on the following issues for Company Legal Risky Prevention Mechanism of Human Resources

a.  人力资源系列法律文本;

    Series legal documents of human resources

b.  入职管理流程规范与优化;

     Standardizing and Optimizing the Employee Entry Procedure

c.  在职管理流程规范与优化;

     Standardizing and Optimizing the Incumbency Procedures

d.   离职管理流程规范与优化;

    Standardizing and Optimizing the Leave Management

e.  公司重要规章制度规范与优化。

    Standardizing and Optimizing the Major Company Regulations and system


Due Diligence and Assessment on Company human resources management and legal risks in daily operation


Counseling, reviewing, drafting, revising on the legal affairs in daily operation.


Proceeding legal argumentation on important company affairs and issuing legal opinion, if necessary.


With authorization, participating relevant consultation and negotiation.


With authorization, issuing the legal Attorney Opinion Letter on behalf of company.


Assisting company to complete the legal risks management system.


Assisting company to deal with emergencies

▲  服务模式——一站式服务

Service Mode —— One-Station Service


With Company’s requirements, 2~3 attorneys and paralegal are designated in the team, providing legal outsourcing services. During the term of services, the team will enhance the efficiency and guarantee the constant of reaction through the following ways:


      Confirming an experienced lawyer as the chief attorney, responsible for the detailed works, and organizing team members to provide legal support. Coordinating resources of legal supports within legal group if required.


      Defining a professional attorney as the counsel, keeping in touch with company in communication and feedback in time. If company needs, assignment services can be provided.


   Pay attention to the service thoughts of pre-prevention and process control, consolidating the establishment and completion of legal risky management system and procedures, assisting company to prevent and reducing legal risks effectively.

私人业务法律热线: 13418631258
电子邮箱:442183168@qq.com   QQ:442183168   MSN:szhcq@hotmail.com
地址:广东省深圳市福田区莲花支路1001号公交大厦17层 网站地图 法律声明  
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