立法新闻 LEGISLATIVE NEWS n 《最高人民法院关于审理因垄断行为引发的民事纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的规定》公布(来源:人民法院报,2012年5月9日) Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Hearing Civil Disputes Caused by Monopoly Behavior released (Source: RMFYB.chinacourt.org, May 9, 2012) 2012年5月8日,最高人民法院发布了《关于审理因垄断行为引发的民事纠纷案件应用法律若干问题的规定》(《规定》),是最高人民法院在反垄断审判领域出台的第一部司法解释,将于2012年6月1日起正式施行。《规定》明确了垄断民事纠纷案件的两种基本类型:一是因垄断行为受到损失而引起的诉讼,二是因合同内容、行业协会的章程等违反反垄断法而发生争议引起的诉讼。 On 8 May 2012, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated Provisions on Several Issues Regarding the Application of Laws on Hearings of Civil Dispute Cases Caused by Monopolistic Behaviour (Provisions), which will become effective on 1 June 2012, and is deemed the first judicial interpretation issued by the Supreme Court in the field of antitrust trials. The Provisions clarifies the two basic types of monopoly civil dispute cases: the first type is lawsuits arising from losses due to monopolistic behaviour, and the second is lawsuits caused by violations of antitrust laws giving rise to disputes because of contents of contracts and regulations of industry associations. Top n 商务部发布《商务行政处罚程序规定》(来源:商务部网站,2012年5月18日) MOFCOM Releases Provisions on the Procedures for Business Administrative Penalties (Source: www.mofcom.gov.cn, May 18, 2012) 5月12日,商务部发布了《商务行政处罚程序规定》(《规定》),自2012年7月1日起施行。《规定》明确,商务主管部门实施行政处罚由其内设机构根据职责分工依法具体实施。内设机构应当在所属商务主管部门法定权限内,并以所属商务主管部门名义实施行政处罚。受委托组织应当在委托范围内,以委托商务主管部门名义实施行政处罚;不得再委托其他组织或个人实施行政处罚。 On May 12, the Ministry of Commerce (the "MOFCOM") released the Provisions on the Procedures for Business Administrative Penalties (the "Provisions"), effective as of July 1, 2012.As clarified in the Provisions, where commerce authorities intend to impose administrative penalties, their subordinate departments shall impose such penalties for them according to the law and based on labor division. Each such department shall impose administrative penalties in the name of its supervisor commerce authority within the legitimate authorization of such supervisor authority. Each entrusted organization shall impose administrative penalties in the name of the entrusting commerce authority within the authorization of such entrustment, and shall not further entrust any other organization or individual to impose administrative penalties. Top n 温州市中院出台《为温州市金融综合改革试验区建设提供司法保障的若干意见》(来源:新华网,2012年5月22日) Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court Announces Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Guaranty for the Development of Wenzhou Experimental Zone of Comprehensive Financial Reform (Source: www.xinhua.org, May 22, 2012) 温州市中级人民法院21日公布了《为温州市金融综合改革试验区建设提供司法保障的若干意见》的“30条”法律意见,旨在从法律层面保障温州金融改革创新。《意见》共分6大部分30条。《意见》要求准确把握温州市金融综合改革试验区先试先行的政策精神,对有利于试验区建设,法律没有禁止性规定的措施,在确保金融安全的前提下,应给予司法支持。 On May 21, Wenzhou Intermediate People's Court announced 30 legal opinions, the Several Opinions on Providing Judicial Guaranty for the Development of Wenzhou Experimental Zone of Comprehensive Financial Reform, aiming to guarantee the financial innovation and reform of Wenzhou in legal respect. The Opinions include 30 articles in 6 sections in total. The Opinions require to adhere to the pioneering spirit of the policy for Wenzhou Experimental Zone of Comprehensive Financial Reform, and to provide the judicial support favorable to build the experimental zone on the basis of ensured financial security and no violation of the measures on prohibition. |
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