司法动态 JUDICIAL DEVELOPMENTS n 最高人民法院提高侵犯公民人身自由权赔偿金标准(来源:最高人民法院网站,2012年5月30日) SPC Raises Compensation Standard for Infringement of Citizen's Right to Personal Liberty (Source: Supreme People’s Court, May 30, 2012) 最高人民法院5月29日公布了2012年作出国家赔偿决定涉及的侵犯公民人身自由权的赔偿标准,具体数额为每日162.65元。2011年公布的数额为142.33元。 On May 29, the Supreme People's Court (the "SPC") announced the decision on the state compensation standard involving the infringement of citizen's right to personal liberty, that is, CNY162.65 per day. The compensation announced in 2011 was 142.33 per day. |
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