仲裁动态 ARBITRATION DEVELOPMENTS 加多宝集团被中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会要求停止使用“王老吉”商标(来源:新网,2012年5月14日) The JDB Group is ordered by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission to cease its use of the “Wong Lo Kat” trademark (Source: Xinhua Net, May 14, 2012) 广州药业集团5月11日收到了中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会于5月9日作出的裁决书,裁决书认定《“王老吉”商标许可补充协议》和《关于“王老吉”商标使用许可合同的补充协议》无效,要求香港加多宝集团停止使用“王老吉”商标。据了解,该裁决为终局裁决,自作出之日起生效。广药曾将红罐王老吉的生产销售权益租给了加多宝,双方继2000年签署第二份商标许可使用合同时约定“王老吉”商标的使用期截止到2010年5月2日,双方又于2002年至2003年续签补充协议约定将使用期延长到2020年。而该补充协议被指是时任广药总经理的李益民在收取了加多宝的投资方数百万元的贿赂签署的。李益民案件被查处后,广药认为该补充协议无效,商标使用期限已于2010年5月到期。 On May 11, 2012, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (“GPG”) was issued an arbitral award by China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”) dated May 9, 2012, in which, CIETAC holds the “Wong Lo Kat” Trademark Supplemental License Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement to the “Wong Lo Kat” Trademark License Contract to be void, and orders the JDB Group to cease its use of the “Wong Lo Kat” trademark. The arbitral award is said to be final and effective as from the date of its issuance. GPG previously licensed the JDB Group to produce and sell the red-canned “Wong Lo Kat” herbal tea, and the parties signed a second trademark license contract in 2000, specifying the term of the trademark license to end on May 2, 2010. The parties signed supplemental agreements in 2002-2003, extending the term to 2020. However, the said supplemental agreements are alleged to have been signed by LI Yimin, the then general manager of GPG, after accepting bribery numbered millions (in Renminbi) from the shareholders of the JDB Group. After the LI Yimin case was litigated, GPG held the said supplemental agreements to be void, and the license term had expired in May 2010. |
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